All the queries in the book are available on these pages. You can run the queries, edit them, play around. Don’t worry, you won’t hurt them; you are working on your own temporary copy of the data.
Next to each query, you'll see the icon. You can click through to the page for that query.
The queries are organized in small sets, with some thematic unity. It takes a few seconds to load the query editor in each page; please be patient until they all show up.
Join the discussion about any of the topics on these pages.
Queries 1-3: Queries about James Dean movies
Queries 4-5: Queries about James Dean's leading ladies
Queries 6-9: Queries about James Dean and John Ford
Queries 10-13: Queries focusing on James Dean himself
Queries 14-15: Generic queries
Queries 16-17: Queries about the movie Giant
Queries 18-20: Queries about young people
Queries 21-22: Queries about biographical data
Query 23: Query about actors who are not producers
Queries 24-25: Queries about Schrödinger’s Elizabeth Taylor
Query 26: Query about Giants born after 1950
Queries 27-28: Queries about who people are
Queries 29-30: Queries about family relationships
Query 31: Query about preferred customers
Query 32: Query about generalizing the parent relation
Queries 33a-33d: Queries about generalizing the parent relation with gender
Queries 34-37: Queries about Joe's descendants
Queries 38-40: Queries about matching directors/actors
Query 42: Query about self-directing actors
Queries 43-45: Querying subsets of the data
Queries 46-48: Query about James Dean and the dates his movies were released
Query 49-51: Query about James Dean’s first movie, and other first things.
Query 52:Query about how many movies James Dean appeared in
Queries 54-56: Queries about sales figures
Queries 57-58: Further queries about sales figures
Query 60: Query about actors in Rebel or Giant
Query 61: Query about generalizing the parent relation
Queries 62-64: Queries about names
Queries 65-66: Further queries about names
Query 67: Query involving federating with
Queries 68-69: Queries about birth names of actors in Giant
Join the discussion about any of the topics on these pages.
Query 1: Query about services under $100
Query 2: Query involving classifying cases by tags
Query 3: Query involving matching counties with reports
Queries 4-5: Queries involving location
Join the discussion about any of the topics on these pages.
Query 1: Query involving finding commensurate units
Query 2: Query involving converting n from FromUnits to To Units
Queries 6-7: Queries involving comparisons
Queries 8-9: Queries about time
Queries 10-12: Queries involving dimensions